Monday, February 18, 2019

Self management, not learned in B-schools


Everybody is the hero/heroine of his/her own story. But most of us waste most of our time managing a lot of unnecessary things in our lives. Don't just be a busy fool, be productive and chill. Don't just exist, live and live like nobody else ever could.

Never ever fall for the conspiracy theory of being rich, popular, powerful etc. always focus on being happy and being human. 
Jim Carrey once said “I think everybody should get rich and famous and do everything they ever dream of so they can see that it's not the answer.”     
Managing finance, HR and everything else is secondary, manage what's your priority YOU.                                          

1. Be a good Listener -   

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When you speak you share what you already know, but you always learn something new when you listen. Always try to learn something new, always listen and don't listen only with an intent to reply, listen just to listen, to understand. And don't speak too much (specially about your problems) if it isn't a requirement of the moment, until and unless you want to face a situation given below .    


2.  Travel and travel a lot

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I ain't advising you to be Bunny from Ye Jawani Hai Diwani (in fact it's way too cool to be like him) but at least "Sair kar duniya ki gafil zindgani phir kahan,  Zindagani gar rahi to naujawani phir kahan."  I can drop a few ideas if you need suggestions. 1- 21-most-beautiful-places-in-the-world   2- best-places-to-visit-in-India . Don't travel just to write wanderlust in your bio, travel to explore. Either travel with your friends or solo, leave all your office/college problems back there only, either it should be you and your friends or it's you and the beautiful blue sky, lush green mother earth. You can also earn a lot by traveling, travel bloggers, travel photographers etc are very trending and cool ways to make money while you are enjoying your life.

3.  Find your PASSION

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Most unfortunate thing with us is that we underestimate ourselves, we settle down for a very much less than what we deserve, we don't take risk. If you will ask a child he/she tell you he/she wants to be a singer/astronaut etc. but after a few years he/she is just a normal human being struggling to have bread on his/her table. Don't you wonder why? Because he/she didn't give what life asked for. It doesn't matter how much time you're taking to find your passion, always remember that it takes a few hours to build a Toyota but some months for a Rolls Royce. Never ever get distracted by opinions of others, always move ahead with your conscience. Be humble, honest and authentic, never try to copy anyone else otherwise you'll end up like a shark who tried while trying to fly like an eagle.

4.  Set a Goal for Yourself -

Living and working without knowing your aim is exactly like boarding a flight without knowing your destination, you'll always keep roaming here and there in the air. Don't be a balloon to go wherever the air of life takes you, be the supersonic jet, you're the one to decide that where you need to land. Keep the key of your life, your happiness with you, Dhirubhai Ambani has well said "either start working to make your dreams come true otherwise someone else will hire you to make his/her dreams come true".

 5.  Love -

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Luxury, leisure, name, fame, money etc. are what we wish for but love is something what we live for. Imagine having everything you always wanted but not having anyone to celebrate your happiness with. Everyone in this universe either an animal or a civilized human being craves for some common aspects of life, hunger. Sometimes hungry for food and sometimes hungry for, No matter how busy you're, you always manage time for people you actually love, people whom you really care for. Tell(show) your parents that you love them, tell(show) your friends that you care and life will become easy, making you much more happier than you ever wanted to be.


  1. Really helped me a lot. Thanks man.

  2. Quite a good list, but I'm disappointed you didn't put 'reading books' in it. It's help a lot.

    1. zindagi se behtar koi kitaab ho nahi sakti janab, it's more than sufficient if you're reading it in a right way(honorary mention to Kabir Das Ji)

  3. Awesome words will help many people in finding the way to success

    1. Thanks for your kind words, telling the correct meaning of success is more important than showing the correct way to success

  4. Nice...I will definitely try them😄

    1. Thanks...sure, don't forget to share your experience 🤠

  5. Good Content !
    Travel and travel a lot this is awesome ��
    Hope I’ll see more types of useful contents like this in future posts.

  6. I liked the content. These are really helpful. Just add some references also.

    1. Thanks. I'm obliged. I'll definitely add references if it'll be a call of the content.

  7. Pandey n faaad diya......Bhai hats off to you.......

  8. The data of this blog is unique.
    Awesome Shivam keep it up

    1. Thank you very much. I'll continue writing such blogs in future too

  9. Content is really nice keep it up buddy

  10. Sahi baat hai pandey ji travel and travel alot

  11. These are great ways to manage ourselves

  12. Awesome content .keep it up pandey ji✌✌

  13. Awesome, I like the content and it is very helpful .Keep it up👍

  14. Great way to manage yourself....
    Pandey bhaiya keep it up. 👌👍

  15. Shivam,you prefer alone traveling or group traveling to explore places?

    1. It depends on the destination, i prefer traveling alone to calm places but nothing is better than a bunch of friends at an energetic spot

  16. The topic and content are really good. A must read for everyone!!!😁

  17. good initiative. i believe you will keep on writing more of such knowledgeable content

  18. Mujh tak glti se pohncha ye blog..but its really good..keep it up dear☺

    1. i'll inform you myself about my next blog, thanks anyway

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  21. Useful post. 😊 I will keep this in mind when I feel down in the future

  22. Thanks for the great information brother now I'll apply it in managing time..thankw

  23. A perfectly written blog,
    Can’t find any other awesome blog like this
    Your hard work says it all.
    Keep posting !


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