Friday, February 22, 2019

Businessman vs Entrepreneur : Glancing through glasses of Ethics

When we talk of businessmen and entrepreneurs, we’re talking about two people who sell services or products to make a profit. However, this is what we believe to be true. There is a fine line that differentiates both from each other. It is easy to blur that line and often look at them in the same light, but that would not be entirely true.In this blog, we shall take a look at the key differences between a businessman and an entrepreneur but through the glasses of ethics.

We know the aim of a venture is to create profits, however most entrepreneurs don’t care regarding cash. Entrepreneurs need to vary the planet with their vision and keenness. They want to search out new answers to pre-existing issues, whereas businessmen usually stick with pre-existing norms of doing business. Businessmen see the planet as a chance to create cash. On the opposite hand, AN entrepreneur’s major pursuit is to act as AN discoverer or creator to the planet and develop a path-breaking or game-changing business model. An entrepreneur views the world as his duty. Businessmen and entrepreneurs even have totally different concepts once it involves taking risks. The former usually take calculated risks so as to maximize profits. Entrepreneurs can take risks like skydivers. It is as a result of if they fail, they can start from the scratch. Just like the previous comparison, every entrepreneur can be a businessman, but the opposite of that is not always true. From the examples above, we can infer that the both categories differ on two major aspects: vision & risks. A bourgeois doesn’t have a ground breaking vision or plan. He/she needs to be in business so as to create cash whereas taking as very little risks as attainable, i.e., their major purpose is to make money. Entrepreneurs area unit visionaries UN agency would like to vary the planet. Money making is not necessarily their priority.

I won't conclude by saying that entrepreneurs are better than businessmen, actually entrepreneurs are a subset of businessmen but they are those who chose the road less traveled. So what do you think that you're heading towards? Just gonna survive in the market or going to emerge as a trend setter, leaving a trail behind yourself to let others follow you.


  1. Nice project
    It was informative๐Ÿ‘

  2. Really well defined difference between both...

  3. That's great different b/w to both
    Nice bro

  4. Nice concept and well defined , easy to understand

  5. very nice and well difined

  6. Great work!! Keep it up Bro.....

    God bless you

  7. Helpful ☺️ very well explained ๐Ÿ‘

  8. It's a good start... Keep going forward ๐Ÿ˜

  9. 2 ruppyye ki pepsi bhai ka blog sexy๐Ÿ˜œ๐Ÿ™ƒ

    1. Ooooo gareeebaaaaa, 2 rupees ki kaun si pepsi milti hai?

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. short and sweat. very helpful to navigate through the challenges of life of an entrepreneur.

  12. Informative article!! Great going shivam!!

  13. This post is enhancing ethical behaviour amoung people.So one upvote for this blog from my side.

  14. This post is enhancing ethical behaviour amoung people.So one upvote for this blog from my side.

  15. This post is enhancing ethical behaviour amoung people.So one upvote for this blog from my side.

  16. Why a entrepreneurs always travels can you explain this?

    1. To explore, to provide solutions for problems untouched and to gain knowledge

  17. With the help of this, I can improve my self .

  18. Well done bhaiya ji keep it up ๐Ÿ‘

  19. Very informative and well defined toi

  20. Very well explained... keep the spirit up...proud of you bro

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. This was very informative. ThabsT for sharing your conceptual knowledge.


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